Up to 12.5 tons electric pendant controlled overhead lifting facility in all departments
Centre Lathe Turning.
1 x Geminis 1400 6m between centres x 1.4m swing.
1 x Mostana x 5m between centres x 1m swing
1 x Mostana x 3.5m centres x 350mm swing
1 x Colchester Magnum 1250 x 3m between centres
1 x Colchester Mastiff 1400 x 2.5m between centres.
1 x Colchester Mastiff 1600 x 1.5m between centres.
1 x Colchester Mastiff 1400 x 2m between centres.
4 x Colchester Mascot 1600 x 2m between centres.
1 x TOS SN63 x 2m between centres.
1 x Harrison M500 x 2m between centres.
1 x Harrison M500 x 1.5m between centres.
1 x Harrison M400 x 2m between centres.
1 x XYZ 2000 x 2m between centres.
2 x Colchester Triumph 2000 x 1.5m between centres.
1 x Colchester Triumph 2000 x 1m between centres.
1 x Colchester Triumph 2000 x 0.5m between centres.
All lathes are equipped with 2axis DRO, 3 and 4 jaw chucks, fixed roller, travelling steadies and faceplates.
Sawing and Cutting.
Forte band saw with cutting capability of 360mm diameter.
Forte band saw cutting capability of 180mm diameter.
Portable cutting off and sawing equipment.
Milling Machines.
XYZ RMX 4000 3 Axis CNC bed mill, 3 Axis ProtoTRAK RMX touchscreen control, EPA (Enhanced ProtoTRAK Assistance), 4 Axis Digital Readout, 40 Int Spindle with 7.5HP Motor, 40 – 5,000 RPM Programmable Head, 1,016mm X 596mm X 584mm Travels (X/Y/Z)
Butler Elgamill fixed table-travelling column. 50 International taper spindle. Table size 5m x 1.2m. Will accept work piece of 1.2m under head x 1.2m horizontal travel.
TOS FC63V Vertical Milling Machine. 50 International taper spindle. Table size 2m x 1m. Will accept work piece of 500mm height under the cutter.
All milling machines are fully tooled and equipped with 3axis DRO and electronic touch probe for PCD and edge finding capability. Power traverse to all table axis.
Kearns Richards SG 100 horizontal table type boring machine. Table size 1200 mm x 1200 mm. Long/ cross travel 1500 mm/1500 mm. Rates of feed of table 1.27- 3800mm infinitely variable. Vertical traverse of head 1200 mm. Spindle diameter 100mm / 50 ISO. Spindle speeds 2- 1120 rpm infinitely variable. Facing head diameter & speeds 750-mm/ capacity 1150 mm. 3 axis DRO.
VEB WMW Horizontal table type boring machine. Table size 900mm x 700mm. Long/ cross travel 1100mm x 700mm. Rates of feed 1.27- 3500mm variable Vertical traverse of head 660mm. 3 axis DRO.
Webster Bennet 120IN EV vertical boring machine double column twin ram with elevating rail. Table diameter & No of jaws 4 jaws. Max. 120” (3050mm) Max swing. Max. height under rail 75” (1900mm). Table speeds 1.5 to 39.5rpm. 2 axis DRO X 2
Webster Bennet 48IN EV vertical boring machine. Table diameter & No of jaws 48in 4 jaws. Max. swing 58in. Max. height under rail 48in (1219mm). Table speeds (12) 8.4- 187 rpm. Feeds 12. No & travel of tool slides 1 x pentagon indexing head. 2 axis DRO.
Webster Bennet 36IN EV vertical boring machine. Table diameter & No of jaws 36in with 4 jaws. Max, height under rail 48in (1219mm). Table speeds (12) 8.4-187rpm. Feeds 12. No & travel of tool slides 1 x pentagon indexing head. 2 axis DRO
Asquith Radial Arm. 2m arm radius x no.5 Morse taper spindle. 2 box tables x 1m square.
Richmond radial arm. 800mm radius x No 3 Morse taper spindle. 1 box table x 1m square
Asquith bench drilling machines x 13mm chuck capacity.
Elliot bench drilling machine x 13mm chuck capacity.
Butler 305mm stroke x 1.1m diameter vertical slotting machine
Butler 150mm stroke x 600mm diameter vertical slotting machine
Cylindrical. Ribon grinding machine. 250mm diameter x 1.5m between centres. Machine has internal grinding attachment.
2 x Surface. Jones and Shipman 500mm x 300mm magnetic table.
Lapping equipment.
Mechanical seal lapping equipment.
Steel stock.
A stock of popular En series carbon steels and stainless steels are always available in stock up to 300mm diameter. A selection of non-ferrous metals is also kept on stock.
Horizontal Power Presses.
Four hydraulic horizontal presses up to 500 tons pressure equipped with strong backs and feet.
Ennerpac motorised vertical 50-ton press.
Churchill Hydraulic vertical 20-ton press.
Metal Spraying.
2 x Eutectic Castolyn and Rototec cold spraying equipment.
Automated Welding.
Fully automatic internal and external Spiral 650amp MIG welding machine. Water cooled torch. Work piece up to 10m long x 3.2m-diameter 5000kg capacity.
Fully automatic, internal and external Spiral 400amp MIG Welding machine. Water cooled torch, Work piece up to 2m long x 2m diameter.
Fully automatic, internal Spiral 300amp MIG welding machine. Work piece dimensions from 20mm up to 1.4m diameter x 250mm through the bore.
Metadalic Selective Plating facilities with range of carbon anodes and specialist plating fluids. 300amp power source.
Fabrication facilities.
Hydroform Power Bending Machine. 2m wide x 3mm steel plate.