With lifting capabilities over 10T and full support facilities for spares and the manufacture of new parts RJW, can handle repairs of the wide range of industrial gearboxes in use today on a 24/7/365 basis.
Our lifting facilities, presses up to 300T and our comprehensive machining resources ensure RJW’s Mechanical Services Department is ideally suited to carry out all aspects of the gearbox repair under one roof. Gearboxes are repaired from the wide range of industries and manufacturers within the UK and Ireland.
Upon a receipt a full breakdown inspection is carried out and investigations into the root cause of the failure is made prior to a quotation being made for the gearbox repair enabling our customers to have accurate costings and a full appreciation of causes of the failure giving the opportunity for corrective action to be taken where necessary on site.
The highest levels of quality are maintained from a policy of acquiring parts from the Original Equipment Manufacturer or approved UK distributors wherever possible. Where components cannot be sourced due to obsolescence or where delivery times make the gearbox repair unpractical, the machining facilities can make or repair any component required, whether it be a new shaft or the repair of a journal using the spiral welding techniques, or the boring out of casings where housings are worn, all the necessary gearbox repairs are carried out in-house enabling us to guarantee quality and delivery every time.
By ensuring photographs are taken at all stages and full records kept with regards to new parts fitted and repaired, full traceability is maintained throughout the gearbox repair process.
The repair service includes collection and delivery from anywhere within the UK and Ireland.