Predictive maintenance is a critical tool in identifying machines that may be running in an alarm status that could lead to a failure of the unit. RJW specialises in various forms of predictive maintenance and condition monitoring techniques including vibration analysis which is an unobtrusive method of inspection that may prevent future breakdown situations occurring.
Vibration analysis measures the vibration at critical points of a motor or other type of rotating equipment when it is running. From the magnitude and frequency of the vibrations we are able to determine the mechanical condition of the unit under test. In addition to one off readings, the vibration analysis data recorded can be trended to give warnings of possible failure.
Due to the nature of vibration analysis, we recommend that readings are usually taken monthly depending on the criticality of the application.
The vibration levels are recorded using a data collector and vibration transducer at various points around each end of a motor or other form of rotating equipment. Following the visit, the data is downloaded and analysed by qualified personnel and a report generated detailing all the alarm areas found during the visit together with reasons for the alarm and recommended actions to prevent breakdown.
Unlike many companies, following the survey we are able to offer full support in the rectification of any faults found whether that be in the form of a site balance or repair in situ or the complete removal of the unit from site for repair and overhaul in our workshops.